More Playful Playgrounds

What do you get when you combine a community park, a shipping container full of loose parts, and a bunch of kids brimming with imagination?
The answer: a Vivo Play Hub, and a ton of fun!


Play Hubs

Play Hubs are community gathering spaces in public parks where kids can learn to play in stimulating new ways. Packed with Loose Parts and staffed by Play Ambassadors, Play Hubs are free to use and designed to challenge kids to take little risks, engage their imagination, and build a sense of belonging.

The result: kids who are more creative, resilient, and active!

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Find Some Fun

Play Hubs are popping up in community parks throughout North Central Calgary–keep an eye out for hubs in Coventry Hills, Beddington Heights, Hidden Valley, Panorama Hills and Huntington Hills.

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What To Wear

When kids let loose, it’s normal for them to get at least a little bit dirty–so clothes that can take a stain or two are a must. Be sure to dress for the weather, and remember it’s never a bad idea to bring some water, a snack, and some sunscreen.

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Safety First

For your safety, and the safety of our Play Ambassadors, Play Hubs will not operate in the following conditions:

  • Temperatures below -15°C (including wind chill).

  • Temperatures above 33°C (including humidity).

  • Thunderstorms (active lightning).

  • Air Quality Health Index is 7+.